Thursday, March 19, 2020


Hye fellas ! now at 8:01 pm im writing about my day today. i just took a bath guys woo! XD okay back to the topic. so today im going for work like usual. im working at pharmacy so basically we cannot close it like other store ! but damn people still stubborn and want to go out from their house. guys look, the goverment ask us to stay at home to make you safe and not get infected by the covid-19. so please stay at home and dont make us yang kene kerja ni berjangkit pulak aiyoo.. duduk rumah diam2 kemas rumah ke main game ke lagi bagus. ni nak merayau sana sini kang tak pasal pasal kene lockdown btul2 like no one can be outside and even post laju ke tempat makan ke klinik ke kene tutup. ha time tu padan la muka tak dapat nak cari makan dah .. so my day today kinda okay until lah time aku nak otw balik time dalam kereta. aku just baru turun dari mrt and my mom kinda early today so masuk la dalam kete. tengok2 ade dalam group cakap pasal mane price tag tempat shelf aku,. aku cakap lah aku dah bagi kat one of the staff ni untuk tolong aku susun. and then dia kata aku x bagitau and kesian kat another staff kene buatkan balik.. sedangkan staff tu nampak aku tengah gunting aku punye price tag untuk susun . and aku mintak tolong dia at the first place tapi dia kate dia cashier so aku pon cam ok lah fahamlah. even bukan ramai sangat pon orang malam nnti tapi dia dh kate dia duduk cashier so aku pon oklah,. so aku mintak tolong another staff yang x buat cashier. pahtu dia mati mati nak salahkan aku kate x siap keje la ape la.. ok kau tengok eh.. aku duk susun yang ade shelf satu ni dah berterabur boss suh kemaskan okeh aku dah settle.. so time tu dah 5:30 aku balik pukul 6 sebab shift aku morning. so aku cam cepat cepat nak settlekan price tag tu atleast drg boleh tolong susunkan je aku dah potong siap2.. pon tak leh gak nak kene akuu jugak buat? sedangkan time time ni mmg takde customer weh.. mmg bullshit lah kalau alasan customer ramai. pahtu masalahnye the main problem is drg tak tanye lagi staff yang aku mintak tolong susunkan tu and then terus suh another staff buat balik price tag tu.. so sekarang ni salah aku atau salah senior staff yang tak reti nak tanye staff lain? this is my opinion lah eh.. people nowadays memang takkan nampak salah sendiri. yang dia nampak salah orang lain and dia rasa dia sorang yang betul.. i dont care if u senior staff or u even older than me. but if u dont have any respect towards each other and u dont even have the correct responsibility, u have no right to get my respect.. tolonglah.. dah 2020 dah.. fikiran tu matured sikit.. and lagi satu eh.. ni bukan untuk lari dari masalah au.. this is me who want to defend myself from the one who want to bring me down.. dia dah nampak aku gunting price label aku..and tak sampai 5 minit lepas aku habis tu aku terus tutup cashier and buat settlement sume. logic ke kalau bende tu hilang? logic ke kalau price tag tu tetibe takde? paling2 kurang pon akan ade kat bahagian2 cashier tu. sebab aku buat kerje kat situ.. and kenapa tak cari betul2 kat situ before nak buat balik price tag? see the common sense.. ni benda yang aku ajar ye.. first thing first kalau ade barang hilang cari dulu.. cari kat tempat orang tu buat keje.. second kalau tak jumpe, tanye empunye badan tu sendiri letak mana. kot2 dia lupe nak inform.. third, tanye sume staff ade tak orang ni tinggalkan keje untuk dia ke ape.. fourth baru lah kau buat balik kerje tu and marah orang yang salah.. ada faham? bukan main tuduh, main terjah, and main backup orang yang salah. dan mempersalahkan orang yang betul. aku malas nak balas lebih2 kat dalam group sebab it is not my first intention pon untuk kerja tetap sebab aku nak sambung belajar. knowledge is more important.. by knowledge lah kau boleh survive and have a lot of experience.. pengalaman memang mematangkan seseorang.. tapi pengalaman tanpa pengetahuan, tu sia-sia namanya. seolah-olah pengalaman yang kau hadap tu takde benda sebab kau tak faham ape pon kau alami. sekian luahan hati saya pada hari ini.. ade lah moral value disitu. jangan cepat giveup and defend yourself. kalau betul kau salah kau mengaku dan mintak maaf.. kalau tu bukan salah kau tapi orang lain mati2 nak salahkan kau.. bermati matilah untuk mempertahankan kebenaran diri kau.. takda yang akan mempertahankan diri kau kalau bukan diri kau sendiri. sekian.

-xoxo, D

Sunday, March 15, 2020


alright now at 10:53 am and im back fellas! fiuh its good to be back again, sorry im kinda a bit busy with school and stuff.. wait... school? HAHAHAH joking.. im 18 already! well about my results its not good enough but i think its okay.. its not that excellent but yea im grateful for that.. alright back to the topic.. today i would like to share with you about giving up.. is this a post to make u give up? not at all , in fact it will make u fight and get up and never give up on anyone else.. you see, the picture said "you just can't beat the person who won't give up" yup.. alright here i go.. this world is full of bad things nowadays, bad people, bad stuff, bad influence and everything bad.. i got one story. its about a little girl always being scold by her father. and this girl always listen to their parents needs, without considering her feeling. but one day she's got out of control and have a fight with her father. its got a little chaos there, even her mother said mean things to her like "are u taking drug?" and her father said "u a hoe". just because one thing she did not follow their instruction, a lot of bad words goes to her directly to her heart until she become so heartless.. but then she start finding a man who can be a place to rely on.. to feel love, but unfortunately, she found a wrong person who she thought he's the right one.. their parents found out and ask her to break up with the guy, at first she insist to do it, but soon enough.. for once her parents were right about this boy.. and thats what made her even heartless.. trauma, trust issues, all bad things hit her.. she started to build a wall around her and make it as thick as she can so that there will be no one be able to break it.. but, this girl has been through a lot but never giveup, sometimes its good to be heartless but its also can be a nightmare if u cant control it.. all this while, she trust with her mother, but lately, her mother always talking bad about her at her sister.. maybe her mother thought that her sister can advice her.. yea she's right.. but she just make her lost trust with her mother.. u know.. old folks sometimes made mistake.. not everyone is perfect anyway... now, the girl has faced a bigger challenge since she already goes into adult hood.. work. she learnt something from someone that she really trust.. "no matter how hard your day is, no matter how hard the challenge u being through.. just don't give up.. and give up is not an option" she became stronger and mature. but she still quiet when things gone wrong.. why? its not because she cant do anything. its because she's observing and make it right by herself. isnt it selfish? nope.. u think, if u make it right publicly in this kind of world nowadays.. what will people talk about it? i doubt 98% that the people will be proud of it.. but instead, they will judge u even more.. people nowadays feel weird about people being good and feel normal when people being bad, so what can she do? be good silently, but the effect will slowly change.. and slowly changed this damn world. Now u see the power of not giving up? its beyond everything. so people out there.. no matter how hard it is. just remember there's someone out there faced more challenge even harder than u.. so just dont giveup and start to make a change to this damn world slowly.. Thats the story of this blogger. Thats all for today..       

                                                                                                                                                 -xoxo, D