Saturday, December 10, 2016

people cry because..

hye.. now at 6:29 pm.. sometimes some people will say that the one who cries is weak.. not tough enough.. mengada.. but actually.. u dont know hard her/his life is.. and one of my friend said "better nangis dari kau tahan.. nanti kau sakit".. if u keep the pain longer.. u will get weaker.. just cry if u cant hold it anymore.. its the best way.. biarlah orang nak cakap ape.. they dont know us.. so..this is just simple advice.. no matter what happen.. stay strong.. there must be a reason behind something happen.. if u cant stand that pain alone.. share to someone that u can trust to.. or just pray to Allah.. Allah always hear us and always wait us to speak with him.. and cheer up! ok? alright im gonna take a bath.. ahahaha.. chauu

-xoxo D

Sunday, December 4, 2016


hyep... now.. at 3:25 pm.. alright.. this picture was on last saturday.. we went to maira's house to make a birthday suprise for her and nurin.. siyes.. that day is the besr day of my lifeee.. ahahhaha.. dorang lawak gile dooo... and siyes dah lame x jumpe dorang.. and then kiteorang jumpe balik.. dari pagii sampai la ke petang.. nurin balik awal cause she have a wedding event to attend.. belon tu belon helium au.. and we tried to make suare yang cam chipmunk tu gune helium tu... MENJADI sehh.. ahahahhaha... lawak gileeee... video tu kat maira x silap... mawaddah pon ade.. but x bagi agi.. maira time first2 masuk dalam bilik ngan nurin and farah.. oh lupe.. farah jadi pelakon terbaik!! ahahahahah.. dia yang ajak maira and nurin gi ttc untuk konon cam jenjalan la ape la.. actually that is just an act.. kiteorang nak hias bilik maira sebab tu kiteorang suh farah ajak maira and nurin keluar.. then.. bile nurin masuk bilik maira.. she said.. "waaah" and maira said "keje sape nii" AHAHAH.. and then kiteorang ramai ramai nyanyi HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!~~~ they cried.. omg.. i hug maira since she is my bae hoho.. dorang cakap first time kene caniii.. alolololo.. cute jee... pahtu amyra and mawaddah siap leh berebut cakap ni plan dia ni plan dia.. sabo jee.. ha senang plan kite semuaaa.. AHAHA... ok guys.. next time jumpe agi.. i love u guys ketat2.. thanks sebab sanggup tunggu aku jugak even aku dah lambat gile... thanks sangat2.. ! <3.. 
p/s: mawaddah nak birthday suprise cani gak.. sile buat.. AHAHAHA

-xoxo D


haiii... wow.. dah lame x on sehh.. i've changed my header.. cute right? hohoho XD.. btw... i got soo much to tell you.. but first.. let me tell you about my results.. menaik alhamdulillah.. but i dont know yet about my class next year.. tak keluar lagi.. i dont have A's huhuhuhu.. and my englishh subject is 83%... 2 more marks to get A.. im cryinggg T_T .. but yeah at least my sejarah,geografi and science are pass... ! uuu congrates!! *clap hands* my number is 16/32 kalau x silap.. and kalau dalam tingkatan im 81/164.. okeh la tu.. i hope i will do better nanti ujian 1 nanti.. or most important thing is PT3!.. yeah.. im getting 15 yrs old soon... uhuh... muka dah matang en? (baldi mane baldi) AHAHAHA... well.. em.. now what? bleh bleh bleh... okeh.. thats all for this post.. i will post banyak agi lepas ni... ehehe.. soo chau for noww..

-xoxo D